


Department Manager | Mining and Metals




12 years

Professional journey

Amanda Fitch is a mining engineer and has been Department Manager, Mining and Metals, at the Vancouver office since 2018. She was also a junior engineer with the firm from 2009 to 2013. In her current capacity, Amanda is responsible for developing business relationships and building the Mining and Metals team out West. She has extensive experience in consulting engineering and has worked in mine operations and participated in tunnelling projects. As a consultant, Amanda has worked on underground gold, potash, zinc and copper mine projects in North America, Eastern Europe and Russia.

BBA site visit to newfoundland 2020 for vale Fun outside work fishing Career fair with colleague

What I like about BBA is the quality of the relationships we build and the respect we have for one another, regardless of our position in the firm. Everyone’s voice matters, and we each deserve to be heard.

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